Starting with a well-thought-out sophisticated design, which evidently shows traces of earlier pieces from the various collections of Jungblut, the design features are meticulously marked and copied for a new piece. However, the artist introduces subtle changes in each successive chair in an ongoing quest to arrive at the perfect prototype, without actually having this as a final goal. The resulting alterations of the original design are at times quirky and playful, moving feet, back or seat in unexpected directions, and at other times more abstract and conceptual, questioning the practical function or aesthetic appeal of a chair. Through this artistic approach, Jungblut references both craftsmen methods and artisan crafts, while simultaneously referring to notions of the assembly line, Fordism and mass production. Jungblut has now also had the three models scanned, by which the Searching Club 2 will soon be able to be manufactured via a rotational molding process. The rotation mold is composed from nine aluminium parts. Production is prepared and partnership is sought to fulfil this project phase.